Thursday, October 1, 2009

Urge the independent senators to take a stand

The Senate will soon vote on the Bill to replace the ABCC with a new Building Industry Inspectorate.

A Senate majority report recommended that the Bill is passed, with some amendments. The coercive powers in the construction industry could stay, and a construction worker like Ark Tribe could still face jail for standing up for his rights on site.

Our Independent Senators could change that, but they are coming under heavy pressure from big business and property developers to keep the coercive powers in the construction industry.

Over ten thousand Rights on Site supporters have reminded politicians and big business that there should be one set of laws for all Australian workers.

The laws the senate passes will determine whether our politicians support one law for all Australian workers, and could bring an end to construction workers like Ark Tribe being singled out for harsher penalties in their workplace.

Now we need you to ask Senator Fielding and Senator Xenophon to take a stand for rights on site before they vote on the new laws.

Go to Rights on Site to send a letter to Senators Fielding and Xenophon.


Senator Fielding today said he would rule out supporting the bill to replace the ABCC. Your message to him needs to be strong and clear – he needs to know that Australian workers won't stand for undemocratic and coercive powers in the workplace!

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